Sunday, June 24, 2007

Just for Stacey

We've spent the last few Saturday evenings out on the quad:

Looking down at our house (the last one) from the top of the hill

ie/ from where my children went when they ran away from home 2 weeks ago.

From the top of one of the sand hills

Taking a break at the quad shack
Heading across the PFRA pasture, along the top of the valley

Where the train tracks go over the culverts

I'm not impressed about the mud.

(I know, there's still skin showing. I'm not nearly muddy enough!!!)


Stacey said...

"Perfect!!" I am warning you now...we are coming! We only have 3 weekends that aren't booked up for us, last one in July and the 2nd & 3rd weekend in August...What shift does Serge work these days??

cheribear said...

He just started a new shift - Monday to Thursday. So hopefully he's going to have EVERY WEEKEND OFF from now on. He does want to work a shutdown up north if he can get one, but otherwise, he's off weekends.

We have another wedding the 18th of August so that takes up a Saturday there. Otherwise, no plans yet.

So, whenever! We don't get really muddy often but we know where mud lives if you like that. ;)

Stacey said...

So...are you still up for visitors?? We are looking at maybe the 27-29th of July. Let me know how it works with you...just an idea, nothing for sure. Things around here seem to change often.