Friday, October 19, 2007


If I'm not posting anything here, you can be sure that I am posting at least one photo a day on my other blog:

Yes, I said other blog. I decided to start a 365 project, where I take a picture of SOMETHING every day, and post it. I didn't want this blog to get cluttered up with that - and of course, I don't trust myself not to just abandon the whole thing around day 34 or something, so I didn't do it here. That way if I wander away from it I can just delete that blog and it will be like it never happened. And I'll still blog here, I promise.

So, if you want to visit it, here it is: Cheri's 3-6-5


Christy said...

Words. I want WORDS. Pretty please with a cherry on top. I think I'm the only person on the planet who prefers words over pictures, though, and I fully admit that I'm out of sorts. I may come back and recant on Monday.

cheribear said...

Hey - I always put lots of words with my pictures! You know I can't just post something without words.

And I'm out of sorts, too! It must be the day for it.