Sunday, November 04, 2007

Tricks and treats

We had the best weather ever for Halloween - just a beautiful autumn day without even a chill in the air. I remember going through huge snowbanks on more than one occasion on Halloween - so it was nice for once to just put a sweater on under the kids' costumes and they could actually wear them without a winter jacket and be comfortable. Its not often you get to SEE the kids' costumes on Halloween! We weren't sure about Annique trick-or-treating but she got the general idea when all the kids were coming to our door for candy, as you can see here, she's pretty wired and she's not even in her costume yet:

So, when it was time to take the girls out she was happy to get into her costume and come too. She insisted on carrying her own bag, even when it got really full and hard to carry - heaven help you if you tried to lighten her load. She knew EXACTLY what to do and often led the way for her older sisters. She's not shy at all when there's candy at stake.

If you feel like throwing rotten tomatoes at me, I don't care, but I'd like to announce that I am FINISHED MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING as of last weekend. I had a little bit of help with shopping as you can see in this video:

It was so great to be able to just walk out of our hotel and into the mall like that - we're just passing the waterpark in that video, where the kids spent a lot of time. When we were young my parents would take us to a hotel with a waterslide for the weekend while the grown-ups did all their Christmas shopping - so the family tradition continues!


Christy said...

Hrmph. I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. But I don't have a one-year old to help me anymore either.

cheribear said...

What do you mean, ONE - she's TWO now. So much more helpful at that age, don't you know??

Stacey said...

Where did you guys go?? Looks like fun.

And....."Splat"... rotten tomatoe to you!! I haven't even started!

cheribear said...

We went to Minot. That's the Sleep Inn, in case you're interested. With the low dollar, I am sure its booked up through Christmas, though. We always go to Minot for Christmas shopping - we just had to plan ahead a bit more this year with the high dollar and so now everyone's running across the border all of the sudden.